
  • Amlodipine belongs to a group of medications called calcium channel blockers. These medications act on the muscle fibres of your circulating system, relaxing blood vessels and reducing strain on your heart. For this reason, Amlodipine is effective in both controlling blood pressure and reducing symptoms of angina.

  • It is best to speak with your doctor before taking this medication if you have any of the following conditions: 

    1. You have experienced a prior allergic reaction to Amlodipine, or other Calcium Channel Blockers.

    2. Experience postural hypotension, where your blood pressure drops significantly when standing.

    3. Suffer from an unpredictable form of angina also known as, unstable angina.

    4. Significant narrowing of your aortic heart valve.

    5. You suffer from Liver disease or kidney disease

  • Amlodipine is not recommended for use, by the manufacturers, in both pregnancy and breastfeeding. Therefore, if you are taking this medication, planning a pregnancy or are already pregnant, please consult your doctor for a suitable alternative. Your doctor will then weigh up the benefits of you taking this medication vs the risk of harm to your baby.

  • Doses typically range from between 2.5 mg to 10mg once daily.

    The typical starting dose is 5mg once daily.

    Dosing will vary from person to person and will need adjusting depending on how well your blood pressure is controlled after commencing this medication.

  • Amlodipine should be taken once daily.

    You can take this medication at any time of the day but keep it consistent. Most people take this medication in the morning.

    You can take this medication with or without food, but always take Amlodipine with a large glass of water

  • Fortunately, most will not experience any side effects. However, as with all medications, side effects can occur.

    Common side-effects you should discuss with your doctor are:

    • Swelling of your hands, feet, or legs

    • Muscle cramps, Tiredness or feeling weak

    • Dizziness, flushing

    • Indigestion, constipation, or diarrhoea

    Rarely, people may experience more concerning side effects.

    If you experience any of the following, please consult with your doctor urgently:

    • Sensation of your heart racing, or pounding

    • Chest pain

    • Damage to your liver, you may notice a yellowing of the whites of your eyes

    • Inflammation of the pancreas, associated with abdominal pains

    Allergic reactions are concerning as they may be life-threatening. Fortunately, life-threatening allergic reactions are rare.

    Those with serious allergic reactions should call emergency services for assistance. Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction can include:

    • Swelling of the face, lips, mouth, and throat

    • Difficulty breathing, wheezing or chest tightness

    • Allergic skin rash

    Of course, this list is not exhaustive. For a full list of side effects refer to the drug information leaflet that comes with your medications.

  • If you are taking Amlodipine, you must avoid any grapefruit products. This is because grapefruits contain a chemical that can interfere with your body’s ability to naturally break down your medication. Therefore, grapefruit increases your risk of side effects.

  • Drinking alcohol alongside your medication is safe, providing you do so in moderation. However, for some, the combination can cause dizziness