Medical Law.

Medical Negligence - Bolam Test - Tort Law

This Lecture Covers:

  1. Definition of Medical Negligence / Malpractice

  2. Reasonable Standard of Care / Duty of Care

  3. What is the role of the Bolam test in Medical Negligence?

  4. What is the Bolam test?

  5. What is the role of the role of Bolam in medical malpractice?

  6. Bolam Vs Hospital Management committee [1957] 1 WLR 582 4. Modified ECT vs. Unmodified ECT

  7. Use of Expert Witnesses

  8. Landmark ruling established the basis for Bolam test

  9. Should a Doctor inform all potential risks if there is potential to scare the patient.

  10. Therapeutic privilege

Medical Negligence -

Bolitho v. City and Hackney Health Authority

This Lecture Covers:

  1. Review of Bolam Test

  2. Bolitho Case

  3. Bolitho Vs City and Hackney Health Authority

  4. Proceedings – Under Judge Hutchison J

  5. House of Lords – Appeal

  6. Bolam test and Causation

  7. Bolitho Summary - Update to Bolam, Ability for court to reject expert opinions, Causation

Informed Consent -

Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board

This Lecture Covers:

  1. Informed consent and the bolam test

  2. Montgomery and Informed Consent

  3. Scottish Court Ruling - Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board

  4. Supreme Court Ruling - Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board

  5. Judgement - Material Risks and Alternative Treatment

  6. Montgomery Case Summary - Update to Duty of Care regarding Informed Consent

This Lecture Covers:

  1. Consent in a minor before Gillick Competence - Family Law Reform Act of 1969

  2. Gillick v West Norfolk & Wisbeck Area Health Authority [1986] AC 112

  3. House of Lords Ruling & Gillick Competence

  4. How to demonstrate Gillick Competence in a minor

  5. Minimum age for Gillick competence

  6. Gillick competence and application to medical advice / treatments

  7. Fraser Guidelines - Contraceptive advice in a minor

  8. Summary of Gillick Competence and Fraser Guidelines

Consent in a Minor - Gillick Competence & Fraser Guidelines

This Lecture Covers:

  1. Introduction to Mental Capacity Act 2005

  2. 5 principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005

  3. How to define capacity

  4. How to perform a capacity assessment

  5. Duty to consult with close family and friends

  6. Lasting Power of Attorney - Personal Welfare / Property and Affairs

  7. Advance Directives / Advanced Refusal (e.g. Transfusion in Jehovah's Witness)

  8. Independent Mental Capacity Advocates (IMCAs)

  9. Summary of Mental Capacity Act 2005

Mental Capacity Act 2005

This Lecture Covers:

  1. Introduction to Mental Health Act 1983 [Updated 2007]

  2. 5 principles of the Mental Health Act 1983 [Updated 2007]

  3. How to define Mental Disorder under the Mental Health Act

  4. Compulsory Detention & Sectioning under the Metnal Health Act

  5. Police Detainment of Suspected Mental Disorder Patients

  6. Nearest Relative & Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs)

  7. Section 4 - Emergency Detainment for Assessment

  8. Section 5 (2) & Section 5 (4) - Hospital Detainment for Assessment

  9. Section 2 - Formal detention for assessment

  10. Section 3 - Formal admission for treatment

  11. Treatment of detained mental health patients

  12. Special circumstances of treatment

  13. Absence / Leave from hospital under Mental Health Act

  14. Appeals against detention under Mental Health Act

  15. Summary of Mental Health Act 1983, updated 2007

Mental Health Act 1983 [Updated 2007]

This Lecture Covers:

  1. Introduction to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) & Data Protection Act 2018

  2. Updates to the Data Protection Act 1998

  3. Data Protection Principles

  4. Accountability in GDPR

  5. Definition of Personal Data in GDPR

  6. GDPR Special categories of personal data

  7. 6 Lawful Basis for Data Processing

  8. Privacy Notices

  9. Subject Access Requests

  10. Data Breaches

  11. Introduction of Data Protection Officers

  12. Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) and Fines

  13. Summary of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) & Data Protection Act 2018

GDPR & Data Protection Act 2018