Interview Resources.

Clinical Governance.

Lecture covering Clinical Governance and its Seven Pillars.

Clinical Governance is an essential topic for medical students and doctors at all grades. A good understanding of clinical governance and the seven pillars is essential to gain the highest marks at interview and examination.

This video lecture on Clinical Governance and the Seven Pillars Covers:

  1. Why an understanding of Clinical Governance is Important?

  2. What is Clinical Governance?

  3. Seven Pillars of Clinical Governance - PARTIES

    • Patients and Public Involvement

    • Audit Risk Management

    • Training & Education

    • Information and technology

    • Effectiveness and Research

    • Staff Management

Clinical Audit.

Clinical Audit is an essential topic for medical students and doctors at all grades.

A good understanding of clinical Audit and the Audit Cycle is essential to gain the highest marks at interview and examination.

This video lecture covers:

  1. Why an understanding of Clinical Audit is Important

  2. What is Clinical Audit?

  3. Audit Loop

  4. Interview Questions

  5. What can we Audit

  6. Why are Audits important?

  7. Disadvantages of Clinical Audit

Clinical Trials.

Lecture covering Clinical Trials in Healthcare. A comprehensive understanding of Clinical Trials is an essential for medical students and doctors at all grades.

A good understanding of Clinical Trials is essential to gain the highest marks at interview and examination.

Lecture covers:

  1. Clinical Research and Clinical Trials

  2. What is a Clinical Trial - WHO Definition

  3. Aims of Clinical Trials

  4. Pre-Clinical Studies

  5. Application for Clinical Trial

  6. Phases of Clinical Trials

  7. Post Marketing Surveillance

Never Event & Near Miss.

Lecture covering Never Events & Near Miss in the NHS.

A comprehensive understanding of Never Events & Near Miss is an essential for medical students and doctors at all grades.

A good understanding of Never Events & Near Miss is essential to gain the highest marks at interview and examination.

This lecture cover:

  1. Why an understanding of Never Events is Important 0:27 What is a Never Event?

  2. Types of Never Events in Surgery

  3. What is a Near Miss?

  4. Examiner Questions - What would you do in a Never Event / Near Miss?

  5. Conclusion of Never Events / Near Miss

  6. Duty of Candor